EVENT AGENDA: https://crai.uvt.ro/agenda-evenimentulu/
We are pleased to invite you to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network Conference , 5th edition, organized by the West University of Timisoara, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" of Timisoara, the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" of Timisoara and the Association for Entrepreneurship Education, in partnership with the Romanian American Foundation.
CRAI will continue the effort made since the first edition, to highlight best practice models in entrepreneurship and innovation in the national ecosystem, while integrating the main results of the conference "Smart Diaspora 2023. Diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Diaspora and its friends", organized in Timisoara on 10-13 April 2023. The conference gathered around the themes of innovation and entrepreneurship more than 100 relevant experts at European and international level, whose expertise and knowledge deserves to be brought to the attention of all those actively involved in innovation and entrepreneurship in Romanian Higher Education Institutions.
As an opportunity to continue and concretely activate the steps for the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in Romanian universities, the West University of Timisoara, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" of Timisoara, the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" of Timisoara and the Association for Entrepreneurship Education, in partnership with the Romanian American Foundation invites you to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network Conference, which will take place between October 23-24, 2023 in Timisoara.
The conference aims to bring together Innovation and Technology Transfer Centers from Romanian universities, Student Entrepreneurial Societies and the Fulbright Scholars Alumni community, as well as the actors of the Romanian startup and innovation ecosystem, supporting the academic and research environment, with the mission to outline a joint action plan for innovation and technology transfer and for student entrepreneurial societies, respectively, to strengthen the role of universities in smart and sustainable specialization Romania.
The conference program includes plenary and thematic parallel sessions, as you can find in the attached agenda.
The expected impact is to bring together more than 100 representatives of Romanian universities, with a focus on people responsible for innovation and technology transfer activities, respectively student entrepreneurship. Participants will be joined by more than 30 external contributors, including key note speakers present at the conference "Smart Diaspora. Diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Diaspora and its friends", edition 2023, or from previous CRAI editions.
We hope that you will take part in the conference and that you will actively contribute to the discussions on harnessing the innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship potential of the Romanian higher education and research ecosystem.
For questions or further details, please write to us at inovare@e-uvt.ro or contact our colleagues Alexandra Petcu (alexandra.petcu@e-uvt.ro, 0256592750), Andrei Pelin (andrei.pelin@e-uvt.ro), Răzvan Crăciunescu (razvan.craciunescu@upb.ro).