Association for Entrepreneurship Education together with Ovidius University of Constanta runs from April to June 2022 a project carried out within the Entrepreneurship University program, funded by the Romanian-American Foundation.

The IDEALUS 2.0 - Innovation and Development through Entrepreneurial Activities for Lucrative University Students project aims to realize a partnership between students from the liberal professions aiming at two categories of objectives:

  • O1: Increase awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship education for at least 100 students and teachers at OUC.
  • O2: Implementation of a Personal Development Program and an Entrepreneurship Education Program for project beneficiaries, with specific workshops and courses.
  • O3: Organize a business simulation activity - How to build a successful freelancing business - for project beneficiaries, with business counseling and mentoring activities.
  • O4: Disseminate the results of the research carried out during the project activities in a round table with OUC professors and entrepreneurs, and by publishing a scientific article in an international journal.
  • O5: Achieving effective project management.

The IDEALUS 2.0 project basically proposes a holistic approach to support entrepreneurial education and student initiatives. The members of the target group will have the opportunity to be part of a program of self-analysis, discovery of personal resources, their development or reinforcement, as they will be guided to give life to their professional initiatives, desires and hopes, with perseverance and courage, with genuine involvement in the process of developing business plans.
